Comments on MVP, ACP at State Water Control Board

Comments are open until the end of May 2018, more information is here:

350 Loudoun has a collection of helpful links here:

Greetings SWCB.

I’m very concerned about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and Mountain Valley Pipeline. I do not feel that the Army Corps of Engineers NWP 12 permit is sufficient for either the MVP or ACP. DEQ must do a comprehensive, stream-by-stream water crossing analysis if the waterways and watersheds are to be protected.

We’ve already seen quite a bit of erosion in Franklin county from the construction of the MVP, and I expect that as construction continues there will be much more of this, and worse. Both the MVP and ACP cross areas with very steep slopes, and I don’t believe that erosion and runoff are being adequately evaluated, or controlled. This virtually ensures that we’ll have mudslides, and pollution entering the waterways that DEQ is charged with protecting, and that as a resident of Virginia practically my entire life, I enjoy using for various purposes like fishing and recreation.

I’m specifically concerned about water quality in the larger rivers of Virginia such as the James and Roanoke rivers, and worry that the watersheds for these two rivers would be irreparably affected by construction of these pipelines. These rivers are a source of water for many thousands of people, as well as quite a bit of biodiversity I would assume. It’s simply irresponsible to allow this kind of construction to happen to the watersheds of these rivers on such a massive scale.

In Bath County, It’s quite clear to me that various smaller waterways where karst topography is a factor would be affected leading to contaminated well water, and destruction of active fisheries.

It is unacceptable that tree felling and construction has already started on these projects. Please ensure that a thorough stream-by-stream water crossing evaluation is completed before any further work is done, as that is the only way I’m aware of to protect water quality in Virginia.

Thank you,
-Chris Tandy